Weekly Mowing

The most popular weekly mowing service in town!

Weekly Mowing
Right Now

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(913) 244-8261

A person mowing a lawn with a lawn mower.

Reliable Weekly Mowing Services

Welcome to our Weekly Mowing Services in Johnson County, Kansas. With 26 years of experience, our dedicated teams take pride in providing top-quality mowing, edging, and blowing services. Our commitment to excellence ensures a beautifully manicured lawn with visually appealing mow stripes. Let us help you achieve a lush and stunning outdoor space.

Weekly Mowing Service Expectations for 2023

  • Our aim is to provide weekly mowing services on a consistent day, but inclement weather conditions or equipment malfunctions may require rescheduling. In these instances, the mowing service may be skipped for that week, unless a weekend slot becomes available.
  • The professional mowers determine the optimal mowing height based on seasonal factors, landscape, and grass health. Cutting the grass too short can result in lawn scalping.
  • In addressing lawns with persistent moisture issues and poor drainage, we will make every effort to provide effective solutions and keep you informed of any challenges we may face during maintenance. Despite our efforts, rutting may still occur as a result of continued maintenance on these lawns if left unaddressed.
  • In the first half of the year, we will not offer bi-weekly mowing services. This is because the lawn growth during this period is rapid, and if we mow bi-weekly it will require multiple mowing passes which can cause harm to our equipment. This leads to damaged equipment and an unsatisfactory appearance of the lawn. Despite trying various solutions over the years, we have determined that offering bi-weekly mowing during this period is not a feasible option. After July 1st, we may resume offering bi-weekly mowing as an option.

  • In order to streamline our payment process and ensure timely compensation for our services, we will be implementing a new system in which customers must place a credit or debit card on file in our secure third-party customer relationship management (CRM) platform. Upon completion of each mowing service, you will receive an email notification and the cost will be automatically charged to the card on file. Unfortunately, in recent years we have encountered issues with payment collection and have lost out on significant amounts of payment for the work we have performed. This change is a necessary step towards resolving these payment-related difficulties.

Changes To Weekly Mowing

*Limited excluded from Jan. 1st to May 31st

More Benefits

We use the much celebrated 52″ commercial mowers provide the beautiful mow stripes and designs so many love to see on their lawn.

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